
Showing posts from 2014

Thrive Now Regret Nothing Later

Thrive Now. Regret Nothing Later.   » The Thrive Now Event » The Thrive Now Event Straight – Line Reminders The Thrive Now Event (New York City May 10 – 11, 2012) Those who thrive LIVE what those who struggle only “believe and know about.” Authentic commitment is demonstrated in results – not in lip service. Waiting to be inspired, turned on, and energized is apathy. Stop it and inspire yourself now. Frustration occurs when you ALLOW circumstances to run your behavior. Change management problems? It’s behavior. If behavior doesn’t change – nothing changes. A life well lived is a life of commitment. A life of regret is a life based on avoidance and pretense. Have ambitions for others that are bigger than their own. That’s true leadership. The language you speak deliberately and sincerely creates the world you live in. Positive thinking will usually just push one further in the hole. Each day i...


DONATE BLOOD, GIFT A LIFE. On 27 th February, 2014 (Yesterday), in India, we celebrated Mahashiv Ratri. I along with my friend Mr. Bhatti went to the temple of Akshardham at Ludhiana (Punjab) India to celebrate Mahashivratri. We enjoyed the langar (common feast cooked in common kitchen of the holy temple). Puri, chhole and kheer (sweet dish) was excellent in taste. Perhaps the grace of God makes it so sweet and tasty. Aura in the temple was really peaceful, tensionless. After having the feast, we went to meet the chief Swamiji but on the way we found that a CAMP OF BLOOD DONATION is organized by Civil Hospital, Ludhiana. Both of us registered ourselves for donation. My age 56 and my friend’s 50 years. The attending doctor at reception asked, “have you donated blood during the past 3 month.” Our answer was no. “Do you have any disease or problem?” “No.” Then she prepared two cards and noted all our particulars on those cards. Then she handed over those cards and a ...

Take Control of Your Life.

STRESS BUSTER          By Renee Singh * Take Control of Your Life. There are some qualities we are born with and emotional resilience is one of them. Some of us are lucky enough to have this in us but it canbe and should be learned and developed.       If you are the type who would like to handle life’s challenges whether they are major or minor with greater ease, to grow from adversity and turn potentially negative events into positive ones, you definitely need to be more resilient.     “As we advance in life and in years, coping with stress becomes more and more difficult, but in fighting the difficulties, the inmost strength of heart is developed, “ Vincent Van Gogh said these very wise words which are most applicable in today’s day and age.          What’s emotional resilience?          This refers to one’s ability to adapt to st...


WEIGHT WATCH                  By Renu Parteep Kaur* Eat, Pray, Lose Are you having a hard time sticking to your diet plan? Yes, it’s really difficult to stick to extremely low-calorie diets, which can hurt your long-term success. Boredom and hunger can both undermine your weight-loss goals. It is important to remember that too much or crash weight loss has many negative consequences for the body and your health. Everyone has different body structure. While one person may be very thin naturally and may not be suffering from any negative health effect, but for others losing their weight       may be unachievable without putting one;s body under dangerous stress. You are what you eat. Cutting calories is an approach most dieters take to meet their weight loss goals. But it is once in a while that people take calorie restrictions too far; making their weight loss sl...


Gap between Haves and Have Nots. Can it be narrowed? "You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.  You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of many by encouraging class hatred.  You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln Commented by  By Dr. Gary Brown, Ph.D., LMFT This email was intended for Prof P.K.Keshap 3101+ (Founding Member at Education Consultants of India).  Learn why we included this . © 2013, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

New Guests

BREAKFAST GUESTS 50-60 New Guests join me for breakfast. Really great interesting breakfast. I sleep on the top floor of my house. One day I saw that some small birds: parrots, crows, pigeons and squirrels were enjoying a morning stroll at the top roof. I got an idea. In the morning, I need breakfast. These birds and animals too may need it. I took 2-3 handfuls of grain and threw on the top roof of my room. That day, no bird or animal came and I found the grains were intact there. I thought that little birds have got scared and hence did not turn up to eat those grains. But the next day, I found, lot of chirping on the roof. I scaled the stairs to view a beautiful scene. About 50-60 birds were enjoying the breakfast. My hungry soul felt happy. Natural happiness was this. Now I splatter 3-4 handfuls of grains every night on the roof. And my little friends, enjoy the breakfast in the morning. Water is now placed in small bowls. I sit in an alcove of my stairs and w...