Thrive Now Regret Nothing Later
Thrive Now. Regret Nothing Later.
The Thrive Now Event
The Thrive Now Event
Straight – Line Reminders
The Thrive Now Event
(New York City May 10 – 11, 2012)
- Those who thrive LIVE what those who struggle only “believe and know about.”
- Authentic commitment is demonstrated in results – not in lip service.
- Waiting to be inspired, turned on, and energized is apathy. Stop it and inspire yourself now.
- Frustration occurs when you ALLOW circumstances to run your behavior.
- Change management problems? It’s behavior. If behavior doesn’t change – nothing changes.
- A life well lived is a life of commitment. A life of regret is a life based on avoidance and pretense.
- Have ambitions for others that are bigger than their own. That’s true leadership.
- The language you speak deliberately and sincerely creates the world you live in.
- Positive thinking will usually just push one further in the hole.
- Each day is a new opportunity. You can choose from strength or you can choose from weakness. Choose responsibly.
- You won’t solve your comfort fix by giving yourself more time to deal with it.
- A dysfunctional life is a product of habitually choosing comfort over growth while pretending that you have no choice.
- The more you reward helplessness, the more helplessness you get.
- The key = say what it is that you are going to do and follow through.
- You either create, and live from your commitments, or you wait and see what happens.
- When dealing with others, assume that they are adults, until they prove to you otherwise.
- If a problem isn’t resolving, it contains a lie. Locate the lie and you resolve the problem.
- What you want means nothing. What you are willing to do to get it means everything.
- So you want to be different and yet you are unwilling to change? That’s not healthy.
- Stop developing marketing programs and start developing relationships.
- “I’m sincerely hoping,” is code for, “I’m not doing anything about it.”
- Committed speaking will move life. Desperate mind chatter will not.
- What’s the real question that you need answered?
- Circle behavior is rooted in the fear of failure.
- It’s not about planning. It’s about making a decision.
- Professional victims don’t turn knowledge and skills into results. It’s that simple.
- Are you dealing with a belief or a fact? How do you know?
- Drop the “woo woo talk.” Focus on building skills with practical value.
- A resolution is worthless unless you create a workable way to reach it.
- A real commitment alters behavior. Insincere chatter and lame positive speech alters nothing.
- There’s a lot of people, making a lot of money off others by telling them, “relax, feel good, money doesn’t matter.”
- Big people = rise up. Little people = get offended.
- What are you agreeing with that’s keeping you stuck?
- “Talking about” and “bringing forth” are 2 different worlds.
- Your biggest challenges come from dealing with people who have “quit life” and won’t admit to it.
- Your inner stance is your destiny.
- What if you were aware of the voice in your head and acted decisively anyway?
- Many times people will confuse a lack of commitment with destiny.
- Invent and complete substantive projects for a powerful life.
- What would life be like if you actually did what you said you were going to do?
- Stop explaining yourself. It looks weak. People see what you do. They believe what you do, not what you talk about.
- What will happen to you and your business if Facebook falls apart? Nothing.
- When push comes to shove, it’s your life. You will either rise up, or you will continue to make excuses.
- It’s great if products and services that produce little or no value fail fast. Only then does life move forward in a productive manner.
- Obsessed is a word the timid and fearful use to describe the fiercely committed.
- Fact of life = Weak inner stance + brilliant information = poor results.
- Commitment is that which is spoken into existence and lived. You don’t get it from a self-help seminar or a book.
- Income inequality is best dealt with by increasing commitment which serves to increase competency.
- The power you aren’t expressing is your greatest discontentment.
- How you live is your statement to the world. What statement does your life make?
- Throw your personality aside and just focus on making a difference.
- Reinvention isn’t changing “what is” but creating “what isn’t.”
- It’s easy to hope that things will get better. It’s not easy to deal with the regret of not rising up.
- You have got to start starting or you will be in your head forever.
- A financial problem is something that you do something about. It’s not something to talk, think, or complain about.
- Soft bigotry = enabling others to live from low standards.
- Some people spend their lives fixing themselves. Some people spend their lives making a difference wherever they go.
- Yes, there is a huge difference between “knowing about” something and actually “living” it.
- A culture of entitlement will never keep pace with a culture of commitment.
- Collapsing the distinction between possibility and probability will lead to major problems.
- Be the author of your own experience – regardless of what’s going on around you.
- To get to paradise, sometimes you have to confront and deal with a very dark present.
- Feeling bad about something is a waste of time. Alter your behavior. Do what’s required.
- Waiting increases the chances that bad things will happen. Decide now. Move.
- Magical thinking has nothing to do with creating and living potent and sound commitments.
- What if you dropped the stories, excuses, and unworkable behaviors and just lived powerfully for the next 30 days?
- How you speak should always match your purpose for living.
- You are never perceived as neutral. You are always making a statement.
- Commitment and competency will create a lot more luck than wishful thinking ever will.
- People who won’t step up and be assertive when necessary are not enlightened. They are afraid.
- To be extraordinary in life is to act without contradiction.
- FB ads and other cute stuff are not marketing. Authentic conversations that build powerful relationships are what will make a difference.
- Whatever you’re seeking ISN’T seeking you. And you can create it.
- Thriving in life is simple. Create commitment. Create competency. Act without contradiction.
- You live the life that you tolerate.
- Highly successful individuals understand that it doesn’t matter what they understand. It only matters what they do.
- What are you NOT willing to do to get what you want? Isn’t that why you still don’t have it.
- Choosing bigness is a requirement for a satisfying life. A highly committed life is not lived in one’s head.
- True power: the willingness, and ability to assist others in being more powerful.
- People don’t respect clever, bulletproof excuses. Honor your word once given.
- Stop talking about things that you don’t live. It’s just not healthy.
- A direct no is a 100 times more useful than an insincere yes.
- Live what others wish for, and you will be one of the few who live what others don’t.
- Only that which already is can be accomplished. In other words, 500 x 0 is still zero. It’s not mean. It’s just life.
- Backing off costs you your integrity.
- Waiting to find out how your life is going to turn out is quite disempowering.
- When you make a sincere commitment the facts won’t matter.
- Does what you know match how you live?
- Peace of mind = existing in life with composure and power.
- Stress is produced by knowing what works and doing what doesn’t work.
- Ultimately, it is you doing the choosing and not your reasons, excuses, or circumstances.
- Commitment is foundational. Knowledge alone won’t get it. Who wants to be smart and lame?
- Life is too short to always be running around getting your act together.
- You’re not here to be nice. And being respectful, kind and committed matters. Do what matters.
- Do you need additional core competencies to be generated in your personal or professional life?
- Best marketing plan: integrity. Say who you will be and be it. Say what you will do and do it.
- Floating deadlines = “It’s not going to get done.”
- A person’s true commitment is demonstrated in the results that they produce – not in what they say.
- Stop talking about your potential. Your potential and 2 bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
- Slow learners = those who still haven’t realized that social media and outdated marketing won’t make them rich.
- Trying to “get” is needy and desperate. Be committed. Be competent. Create value.
- Being present to someone IS an act of love.
- Making fierce claims isn’t bragging if you can back them up.
- Intentional thinking is entirely different than merely having thoughts.
- Getting weak results? Are you actually making sincere commitments or are you just making noise?
- There is a huge difference between what one believes, and how one actually lives.
- You can be resigned or you can be relevant. Choose.
- The powerless focus on tasks. The powerful focus on results.
- Train yourself to do WHAT MATTERS and stop engaging in distractive activities.
- Hope is not a workable substitute for: low commitment or a lack of competency.
- “Lead generation,” comes from powerful speaking – not from emailing people you don’t know.
- People buy “who you are being,” and not what’s on your business card or website.
- Commitment creates competency and not the other way around.
- The world’s most powerful marketing tools = 1) Committed speaking. 2) Committed listening.
- Successful entrepreneurs focus on what they intend to create. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs focus on what they want to avoid.
- You will either impact your environment or your environment will define you.
- Talking about things that you are never going to do is dysfunctional.
- Don’t measure activity but measure “accomplishment.”
- Be solid with yourself. How many people do you actually speak to and request that they buy your product or service?
- Being reasonable kills life. It’s the unreasonable that rock the world.
- The reason you failed is because you didn’t do what was required.
- Never generalize from a specific.
- To change your life shift from “wanting” to “creating.”
- “Be that,” which “does that,” or else you won’t ever “do that.”
- Avoidance is self-sabotage.
- Excessive upsets? Low creation drive? Stop being offended. Start being committed.
- Today is just as good as any to do epic stuff.
- You can follow your bliss all day long. It doesn’t mean anyone will pay you for it.
- It’s not enough to know about great ideas and brilliant information. It has to be created and lived to be of value.
- Fantasy dreams are irrational. Practical dreams are rational and require sufficient commitment and competency.
- Integrity is restored by giving up disempowering conversations.
- A powerful life can’t be given to you. You have to create it.
- Rising up doesn’t require money, luck or connections. It requires “rising up.”
- Commitment is not found. It can only be created.
- You can love someone and not like the way they act.
- Just because you can tolerate something doesn’t mean that you have to.
- Ultimate success strategy: 1) Commitment 2) Competency 3) Drop the BS and Magical Thinking.
- True power: the willingness and ability to look into your own mind, and decide what is appropriate, and what is not.
- A life well lived = showing up and not holding back.
- A wasted life = holding back.
- If you don’t make what you want a must, you normally won’t get it.
- Making growth choices creates expansion and increases life. Making comfort choices creates more apathy.
- You don’t need confidence to be successful. You just have to do what’s required.
- A fierce sense-of-Self is all you ever really wanted.
- Seeking leads to more seeking. Creating leads to creation.
- Stating an opinion as if it were a fact won’t make it so.
- You don’t need anyone’s permission to live powerfully. You can be the hero of your own life.
- You can be loyal to people’s bigness or their smallness. It’s disrespectful to honor their smallness.
- It’s important to know that people are not attracted to equals. So stop trying to be one.
- Live out of your commitments, not out of your history.
- Positive thinking and seeking happiness is not living life on your own terms.
- Life doesn’t come with a purpose. You have to create one for yourself.
Credit: Collected and compiled through coaching
interactions with Dusan’s SLC clients and members of the Straight-Line
Coaching community.
Dusan Djukich is the innovator of Straight-Line Coaching
and the best-selling author of Straight-Line Leadership: Tools for
Living with Velocity and Power in Turbulent Times. He resides in
Northern California and can be contacted through
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