Take Control of Your Life.
By Renee
Singh *
Take Control of Your Life.
There are some qualities we are
born with and emotional resilience is one of them. Some of us are lucky enough
to have this in us but it canbe and should be learned and developed.
If you are the
type who would like to handle life’s challenges whether they are major or minor
with greater ease, to grow from adversity and turn potentially negative events
into positive ones, you definitely need to be more resilient.
“As we advance in
life and in years, coping with stress becomes more and more difficult, but in
fighting the difficulties, the inmost strength of heart is developed, “ Vincent
Van Gogh said these very wise words which are most applicable in today’s day
and age.
What’s emotional resilience?
This refers to one’s ability to adapt to stressful situations
or crisis. Most resilient people can “roll with the punches” and adapt to
adversity with no difficulties.
Less resilient people have a harder time with stress and life
changes. It has been found that those stresses more easily can also manage
major crisis with ease. Resilience has its benefits for daily life or when
faced with tragedy.
What influences emotional resilience?
By and large it is something we are born with.
Some people by nature are less upset by changes. This trait
can more or less observed from childhood and can be noticed as a level of
stability through one’s lifetime.
Emotional resilience is also related to some factors that are
not under your control such as age, gender and exposure to trauma.
Resilience is not a quality that you do or do not possess. There
are varying degrees to how well you can handle stress and there are certain
characteristics that are common to all.
Emotional awareness
People with emotional awareness understand what they are
feeling and why.
Perseverance pays
Those with perseverance are action oriented and do not give
Positive thinking
Optimists see positives in all situations and believe in
their own strengths.
Social support
Some of us tend to understand the value of social support and
surround ourselves with supportive family and friends.
Spiritual Streak
Being connected to your spiritual side has been has been
connected with stronger emotional resilience. If you are internally connected,
you are definitely on a strong foundation level.
Sense of humour
Those with a sense of humor are able to laugh at life’s difficulties.
Individual perspective
Resilient people are able to learn from their
own mistakes.
They see obstacles as challenges.
Allow adversities to make them
Find meaning in life’s challenges.
Do not see themselves as victims.
How to become more resilient?
Emotional resilience can be developed. Stress and change are
a part of life. There is much opportunity to practice resilience. We require to
have interest and commitment and results are remarkable.
Many people know of coping strategies which can help with
stress. With diet and exercise programs one can cope with stress very well.
The most successful individuals are those that can maintain a
long term effort. Don’t give up your situation and trust the process.
Just be patient with yourself and you will make yourself
emotionally resilient.
is Chandigarh based psychotherapist.
Source: The Tribune Life+Style dated 24th
February, 2014.
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