
1. Life is too short to live with regrets.

2.  Love the people who treat you right and affectionately.

3.  Forget those who don't. 

4. Believe that everything happens for a reason

5. .If you get a chance take it. 

6.  Nobody says life is easy but it is worth.      

7. The person who lives the life for money, fame, achievements is called successful but who lives the life for satisfaction is remembered as "legend". 

8.Choose well so that no regret in later age. 

9. Read others's thoughts. Good. But not dirty, bad or torturing thoughts. Good reading generates good feelings while bad reading burns. Scan a book or email and see if it is worth or use "delete".

10. Surround yourself with positive good likeable people and create good environment in the room or place by using posters or pictures of nature that boost your mind up and energise you for the day, week, month and the coming years. Bury the past. It is dead and gone. Enjoy present. Yes, work in present for creating "future of your choice"

11.But write yours too in Evidence Journal daily so that you may know yourself well. Write what you feel, how you feel, what are your plans, what are your dreams, how those plans and dreams will be made reality in say: 1 year, 2 years, 10 years, 20 years or 30 yrs + . 

12.Focus on work and happiness. Close the eyes and focus what you need to be happy. Universe will give you when you will keep focusing for 1 to 2 years and that focused  desire will become subconscious i.e. go to cell level.

13.Each day is celebration. Celebrate it with positive mind. Positive mind refers to seeing everything and every situation through the eyes of a child. 

I am an observer. One day, out of curiosity, I stood outside a garden. Where lot of families were enjoying. Now to mindset:

I asked small kids and their parents one question:

How you liked the garden?

Kids:   Yes, Uncle it is a beautiful garden. Beautiful flowers. Big lawns. Very good fountains. Monkey statue was very good.

Parents: No, garden is in a very bad situation. Authorities do not maintain it. Corruption is the problem. Fountains were broken. Lawns were not well maintained. 

I really wondered : one question two answers. Quite opposite. Then I inferred that there is nothing good in the world, only beauty lies in beholder's eye. Once the mental eye is changed, everything looks beautiful and life becomes beautiful. Since then, I write only what is good in situation, in a person etc. And my life has become happy, better and really beautiful.


There is only 1 rule of success: Never lie to yourself. 


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