HOW TO PASS AN EXAM Check your eating habits and if need be change to generate more energy.
Taking warm water with lemon and honey in the morning increases energy level.
Challenge your beliefs.
Spend more time with encouragers and right thinking like-minded people.
Positive thinking +Self belief +commitment (To be honest with one self to achieve what is dreamt)+Positive actions=100% success.
Right coach and mentor play great role in success. Have them.
Plan your career. Walking without destination is a wastage of energy and time.
Worry is a wasted emotion. Avoid worry. Plan and act.*
Stick to your daily reading schedule and divide your one hour’s study: 1/3 rd i.e. 20 minutes for reading; 1/3 rd for visualizing i.e. thinking closing your eyes what you have read and last 1/3 rd part of hour : writing what you have read and visualized. This will reinforce your learning and you will pass an exam or ...